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Digital Bullet Journal Tracker



Take care is a mobile app that helps busy individuals with tracking their daily habits and self-care activities. It is a simplified and improved version of bullet journal tracker. And it also provides new ideas of self-care activities through its Inspiration Bank feature.

Take care is self-care tracking mobile app designed by Victoria as a part of her senior project for the Interactive Media Management program at Centennial College. I have worked on this project as a UX Designer.

Team: Victoria Jin , Julia

Role: UX Designer

Duration: Jan 2018 - April 2018


The Problem

People use bullet journal or self-care mobile app to record their daily habits and self-care activities. Tracking helps them in analyzing and reflecting on their daily habits and activities. There are many tools available in the market in the form of mobile apps. But they all are time-consuming and very complex to use. And they focus only on physical health.



We started our research by taking look at products which are in the market. Victoria used to record her daily habit in bullet journal but now she uses the mobile app for that. 
But for me this whole concept was new, so just to get into the mental model of the users,  I also started recording my daily habits in the mobile app. It has helped me understand  the problem faced by regular users and I was also able to understand the users' needs and motivations.

User Flow

Victoria wanted to create an app that simplifies the habit tracking process. So we started with understanding user flow around self-care mobile apps and bullet journal. First, we created a simple path that user follows to record their habit in the app. And then we brainstormed the feature sets to support the core functionality of the app.

brainstorming the user flow

Journey Map

A journey map is a great tool which will help you empathise with your user and understand their pain points. So we decided to created journey map around the three main activities, that user will perform on the app.


Create and Design


After understanding user's journey and their pain points, we started sketching a bunch of ideas on the paper and discussed with each other the rationals behind our designs and features. Victoria then tested these paper prototypes with targeted users and based on their feedback she refined the product.

Sketching different ideas for UI



After several iterations of user testing and refinement, Victoria came up with the final design of the app. Here is the snapshot of the final UI designed by Victoria in Figma.

For more information about takecare, please visit :



Self-care and habit tracking was a completely new concept for me, but to be able to empathize with users' needs and problems I had to put myself into the mental model of the targeted user. I really enjoyed the process of creating a product out of my interest zone. Working in the team was the best part for me because I like to understand different perspectives and beliefs. That's how I learn and grow.

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